5.2. Benefits for business / projects
We are living in a time that mainly benefits large corporations, along with their stakeholders and shareholders. As a result, it is quite hard for small companies to be competitive. Ditex benefits regional businesses and service providers, who will be able to save costs on transaction fees as well as administrative expenses. The advantages for merchants at a glance:
• A solution that is simple and highly convenient to use, including tools for fast low-cost batch payouts, control over the passage of transactions, and receipt of funds by clients, alongside many other features.
• Secure, decentralized crypto token.
• Fast transactions without long waiting times, as well as instant access to funds.
• Consumers and investors receive DITEX rewards immediately after accrual and payment.
• Increases profits by drastically lowering your transaction fee expenses.
• Drastically reduces fees for refunds.
• Ensures the privacy and confidentiality of your business account information.
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